Old Girls' Union AGM, Chapel service and memorial for Greg St Vincent
Friday, 24 February 2023
To all members of the St Catherine's Old Girls' Union,

This year we will be holding our Chapel service and Annual General Meeting on Saturday 11 March 2023.

Please see continue the links for invitation and agendaTo RSVP, please email oldgirls@stcaths.nsw.edu.au or call Evangeline Galettis (Barris) OG1969, Treasurer OGU on 02 8305 6259.

This year's service and AGM will be special. We will be welcoming Mrs Judith Poole as the new Headmistress of St Catherine's School. Judith started at the beginning of the year and was formally inducted as the 13th Headmistress of St Catherine's on 13 February 2023. We look forward to many of our old girls getting the opportunity to meet and talk with Judith.   

At the chapel service we will also be including a tribute to commemorate the life of Mr Greg St Vincent, a staff member of the languages department from 1982 – 1999, who died earlier this year. Our former school chaplain Reverend Kimberley Sawyer will be coming from Newcastle to lead this part of the service. All former members of staff and Old Girls are welcome to attend. 

At our AGM, we will be asking for ratification of an increase of our Life Membership Subscription (from $120 to $180). The annual subscription has been $120 since 2013 and this increase has been proposed by the committee to cover the increases to our ongoing costs.  

We look forward to seeing many of you on Saturday 11 March.  For those of you who have not yet seen the new Performing Arts and Aquatic centre, the AGM will be held in the Multi Purpose Hall so there will be opportunities to tour the beautiful new building.  


Cathy Ridge (Ward) OG1983
President, St Catherine's Old Girls' Union 